How To Remove Toxic People From Your Life


scholarayu how to remove toxic people from life

We all are well aware that how important it is to give our body a break from 'toxic' food and alcohol, but what about giving a break from toxic attitudes? Toxic people are extremely dangerous just like any toxic food or poison. Toxic people simply distract us from our positive attitude and they are the ones who will discourage you from exercise. They will force you to stay in a bad relationship by implying their lame reasons. Toxic people keep you stuck in the past and will always surround you with negative thoughts which will let you not move forward in your life. It's a toll on your own mental health if you interact with toxic people who constantly cut you down or simply manipulate you for their own advantage. I agree it's difficult to distance yourself from them because we are unable to identify who the toxic people are as they use sugar-coated words that melt you away.

Toxic people can try to stick - sometimes for years! They can make you feel guilty and as a result, it is not always easy to get rid of your life. To help you break up your relationship permanently, here are a few tips to get rid of harmful personalities.


To get rid of something or someone toxic is to first actually recognize the fact that it's harming you. You will find toxic people manipulative and selfish in nature. It’s hard to have fun and it’s impossible to work with them, even if you try to help them. They have a hard time finding their feelings or apologizing, and they will always show it to them.  

It's time to let go when a relationship is constantly weighing on you or bringing you down every time more than it's building you up. If you will be with toxic people then they will be a distraction from your true purpose. 


If you have set your boundaries to distance yourself from them then stick to it because these toxic people can use any of your weaknesses overtime to sneak back into your life. If you told yourself that you will not text them back again or call them back again, then don't. Block their numbers, block them from all the social media, don't send them any e-mails, and don't check on them for at least the next six months. Once you are done with the relationship and made it clear in your mind to end that relationship, then you are responsible to keep it clear with the facts. 


Some people especially the toxic people are good at showing up when they need something, particularly when they are in worse situations and no one is with them. At that time they just need any shoulder to cry on or an ear for you to lend. These are simply the ploys of your time and attention. Remember don't give them any, no matter what the circumstance is. 

If you really feel bad for them then the best help you can do is direct them to resources that specialize in their particular issues. Solving their problems is not only your responsibility but it is beyond your capabilities.

👉Toxic people will keep coming back if you allow them, so when you decide to remove them from your life, be it a permanent one. They are best at finding a way for creating a mess in your life so it's better not to entertain them. We need relationships but we don't need every relationship in our life especially the ones that bring us more pain than the support. "Energy flows, where the attention goes." So, it's in your hand where you want to spend your positive energy either on toxic people or on yourself or positive people around you. Make time for those who bring happiness in your life, and let go of those who bring you anything else except happiness. 

"Realize that they take away all your positive energy and fills you and your mind with negativity."

Stop letting them harm you. 

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  1. This something people must learn from your write-up and understand the situation accordingly.
    Too good Dear...Keep writing 🌈❤️

  2. Must needed blog for everyone I think..! Keep writing❤💫💫
    * try to post to read ur blogs...

  3. Something worth reading ❤️❤️❤️
