When Life gives you lemon, You make it Lemonade

scholarayu when life gives you lemon you make it lemonade

When I heard about the heartbreaking news about the death of our Bollywood legend IRFAN KHAN Sir. In one of the videos, I heard his last words, I came to know about this title, then I couldn't think of what he meant and I believe most of you are thinking the same, so that's how I end up writing this and understood his thoughts more clearly.

If life would be fair with me, I'd be the happiest person having everything I wanted. Almost everyone has the same story. Now, imagine everyone is having all the luxuries, lying on the red rose bed, rolling all over, winning without fighting which is totally useless, boring, and tasteless. Obviously we don't get life as a bed of roses but we can make it a bed of roses.

Similarly, my today's post is about "When Life Gives You Lemon, Make It Lemonade". This popular saying advises us to make the best out of negative situations in life. When you taste something sour like lemon, you will find the best way to make it sweet. This means learning how to adopt a more optimistic attitude in your life when you're facing adversity.

But the question arises, how? Let's see some of the options to make ourselves optimistic:-

     There are many such situations in our life when we are full of negativity, but there is always, a ray of hope so, look out how those negative situations in your life can be a teachable moment for you. This will help you to cope with those situations easily. You would be able to apply those learnings in the future when you will come across the same.

When you face any problem, ask one question to yourself - What can I learn from this and how can I become stronger in the future? I am sure that you would be able to leave that situation wisely.

Sometimes, we feel better and relaxed even in negative situations when we have control over it. Obviously, when you have the power to rule, then you know you can do anything with it.

Also, you can have your manpower with you, when you are facing any negative situation. You feel more confident, powerful, a bit relaxed, when you know some close one from your life is standing at your back to support you always. But sometimes we hesitate to reach them out, but don't do this, feel free and secure in contacting any of your friends, family member, or any other who understands your struggle.

Next, you can do it to change your body language which means, how you present your feelings. Like we often say - we committed a mistake, instead, you can say - we learned a lesson of life. 

     Having the best coping skills in life is really very important for everyone. Sometimes you react in a way that was not needed in a particular situation. That's where optimist works, dealing with the situation, and tell the thinking patterns. You can do little things to adopt an optimistic situation - practice mediation, be physically active, have a spiritual mind, getting out of gossips, etc.

Next, you can follow a healthy lifestyle, which means when you will do self-love which includes taking good care of mental and physical well being, will promote the transition of lemon into lemonade and you would see a half glass of water as half full instead of half-empty glass. 

Lastly, you can restrain yourself from comparisons. Yes, comparisons make you feel bad and put you back again. For instance, if you have moved ahead with 100 steps of positivity in your life, it will take you 50 steps back with negativity. Instead of looking at the good side of the person you are admiring that person will also have faults and struggle in his life as 'no human is born perfect.'

     Those who look at the better side of their life will have a better life like optimistic people have. Optimism can be learned and taught easily, but how you will inculcate in your life, that totally depends on you. 

If you want to convert lemon into lemonade, the very first step of it is to be aware of your negativity. If you have the tendency to only look at the bad side of things, you can't transform this habit in any condition. When your mind is filled up with negative thoughts, think on the positive side. Like if I talk about myself, I am not good at Maths and I can't do anything in life, this is how negative people think. And, I am not good at maths but I am a genius in English and Economics, this is how optimistic people think. I think you understood what I have to convey.

If you will look at what you don't have and what the other person has and he is enjoying his life and you are not, you won't be able to grow in your life. Everyone faces problems in their life, but we as humans have the habit of looking at success stories, but if you will also look at failure stories you will surely grow in your life. Because, a failure only knows the real struggle and he will tell you the best way how you can come out of it.

Be the person who inspires others. Be an optimist and that will make 'lemonade out of lemon in your life.'

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